The Tiki Times: Preview the 2024 calendar of events

The Tiki Times: Preview the 2024 calendar of events

The Tiki Times

Save these dates now and make plans for a full year of major events across the world of Tiki culture. We’ll also keep you posted on many worldwide gatherings for fans of rum, lowbrow and mid-century modern art, surf and rockabilly music, plus some Disney events and anything of general interest to the Tiki community.

The Tiki Times calendar
Check back all year for all the latest happenings on the main calendar page, including online and ongoing events, plus recaps featuring photos and video.

The Year in Tiki 2023: A look back at the top events in photos, video
The Year in Tiki 2023: A look back at the top events in photos, video
Recap all the year’s top events – from Inuhele to The Hukilau to Exoticon to Tiki Oasis, plus many more – in our annual review featuring photos, video and social media posts.

Social media: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


NOTE: THIS LIST IS NO LONGER UPDATED. Go to the main Tiki Times page for further updates, plus recaps of all the major events.


Note: Event dates are subject to change; check with the venue to confirm.

Jan 19-21 – Inuhele: Atlanta’s Tiki Weekend
* Inuhele Brings a Celebration of Tiki to Atlanta (Paste)
2023 recap: New details on The Mai-Kai renovations, new merchandise revealed

Jan. 20 – Coconut Grove Rum Festival in Miami.

Jan. 20 – Rockabillaque Florida at the Seminole Casino Hotel in Immokalee.

Rockabillaque Florida

Jan. 27 – The Original Tiki Market Place 12th anniversary show in Garden Grove, Calif.

Feb. 6-11 – Hopetown Music & Rum Festival in the Bahamas.

Feb. 9-11 – Miami Rum Congress at the Miami Beach Convention Center.
Social media recap: Photos, coverage of Miami Rum Congress 2023

Miami Rum Congress

Continue reading “The Tiki Times: Preview the 2024 calendar of events”

The Year in Tiki 2023: A look back at the top events in photos, video

The Year in Tiki 2023: A look back at the top events in photos, video

The Tiki Times

It was an action packed year, with events around the world returning (and perhaps even exceeding) pre-pandemic levels. New festivals (Exotikon, Resort-O-Rama, Louisiana Tiki Fest, Lei Away, et al.) joined the party while an old standby (Tiki Kon) bid adieu. Rum and spirits conferences seem to multiply every year, while music events continue to rev up interest in niche genres like surf and rockabilly. Browse the photos, video and social media posts below, or click on the links for more coverage and all the official sites.
THE TIKI TIMES 2024: Latest upcoming live and virtual events
Social media: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


Jan 20-22 – Inuhele: Atlanta’s Tiki Weekend
* Why horror and sci-fi fans love Tiki (Den of Geek)

New details on The Mai-Kai renovations, new merchandise revealed at Inuhele 2023 in Atlanta
New details on The Mai-Kai renovations, new merchandise revealed at Inuhele 2023 in Atlanta
New images and renderings of the historic restaurant’s multimillion-dollar refurbishment unveiled during presentation at Tiki weekender. Attendees also got a sneak preview of new mugs and other merchandise along with a new signature rum.

Continue reading “The Year in Tiki 2023: A look back at the top events in photos, video”

The Year in Tiki 2022: Take a trip back to the year’s top events

The Year in Tiki 2022: Take a trip back to the year's top events

The Tiki Times

While the COVID pandemic is by no means a thing of the past, the Tiki events circuit was back to almost full capacity in 2022. This also includes many rum and surf music events around the world that we also documented on The Tiki Times, The Atomic Grog’s ongoing event guide. It was great to see many old standby events back in full force, while new happenings also made their mark. Check below for artwork and links to official sites, plus images and videos from social media.
THE TIKI TIMES 2023: Latest upcoming live and virtual events
Social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest



Fridays – Spike’s Breezeway Cocktail Hour hosted by Matt “Spike” Marble of The Hula Girls. Pre-parties on Instagram Live, episodes on YouTube.


Jan. 7-9 – The Rhythm Collision Weekend #8 in Riverside, Calif.

Jan. 12 – Dram of the Dead: The Bum on his new Zombie rum
Dram of the Dead: The Bum on his new Zombie rum

Jan. 22 – The Original Tiki Market Place 10th Anniversary in Garden Grove, Calif.
The Original Tiki Market Place 10th Anniversary

Jan. 22 – “The Suite of the Future” Fine Art Print Release Party at the Shag Store in Palm Springs, Calif.
The Suite of the Future Fine Art Print Release Party

Jan 28-30 – Inuhele: Atlanta’s Tiki Weekend.
* Past coverage

Feb. 19-20 – Rockabillaque Florida at the Seminole Casino Hotel in Immokalee.

Rockabillaque Florida

Feb. 24 – Trader Vic’s Tonga Fundraiser

Feb. 25 – The Art of Tiki Cocktail Showdown at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival in Miami Beach.
* Cheers all around: 21st annual South Beach Wine & Food Festival® is a wrap!

Feb. 17-27 – Modernism Week in Palm Springs, Calif.
Modernism Week

March. 11-12 – Miami Rum Congress in Miami Beach.

Miami Rum Congress 2022 kicks off full schedule of worldwide rum events
Miami Rum Congress 2022 kicks off full schedule of worldwide rum events
Industry VIPs and rum enthusiasts gather for seminars, tastings and special events at the Hilton Cabana Miami Beach.
Social media recap: Photos, coverage of Miami Rum Congress 2022

Continue reading “The Year in Tiki 2022: Take a trip back to the year’s top events”

The Tiki Times: Preview the 2023 calendar of events

The Tiki Times: Preview the 2023 calendar of events

The Tiki Times

Saves these dates now and make plans for a full year of major events across the world of Tiki culture. We’ll also keep you posted on many worldwide gatherings for fans of rum, lowbrow and mid-century modern art, surf and rockabilly music, plus some Disney events and anything of general interest to the Tiki community.

The Tiki Times 2022 calendar
There’s still a lot going on this year. Check for all the latest happenings on the main calendar page:
Online, ongoing and live events through the end of the year
Photos, video: Archive of the year’s past events

Social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


Note: Event dates are subject to change; check with the venue to confirm.

Jan 20-22 – Inuhele: Atlanta’s Tiki Weekend.
* Past coverage

Jan. 21 – Rockabillaque Florida at the Seminole Casino Hotel in Immokalee.

Feb. 10-12 – Miami Rum Congress in Miami Beach.
* Photos, coverage of Miami Rum Congress 2022 | Past coverage

Feb. 12-13 – Tiki by the Sea Pop-Up Series in Miami.

Feb. 15-26 – Modernism Week in Palm Springs, Calif.

Feb. 18 – Hi-Tide Winter Holiday: Pittsburgh 2023

March 2-5 – Resort-O-Rama at Flamingo Resort in Santa Rosa, Calif.

March 5 – Adventureland Day at Disneyland in Anaheim.

March 5 – Adventureland Day at Disney World in Orlando.

March 11-12 – Arizona Aloha Festival at Tempe Beach Park.

March 25 – Taste of Rum festival in Puerto Rico.

April 1-3 – Rhum Fest Paris.

April 22 – Chicago Rum Festival.

April 27-30 – Arizona Tiki Oasis in Scottsdale.
Arizona Tiki Oasis

April 27-30 – Viva Las Vegas rockabilly weekend.

Continue reading “The Tiki Times: Preview the 2023 calendar of events”

The Tiki Times: Preview the main events for 2022

The Tiki Times: Preview the main events for 2022

The Tiki Times

NEW: Check out The Atomic Grog’s annual calendar for all the major events across the world of Tiki culture. The Tiki Times also includes rum events, plus modernism, surf and rockabilly music, Disney and other happenings of interest to the Tiki community. It will be continually updated throughout the year, so check the link below for main calendar page frequently:

The Tiki Times: The Year in Tiki 2021
2021 RECAP: Photos, video, full list of past events
Support Tiki bars: Visit their online stores, buy the latest merchandise
Social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


Tuesdays – Tiki Trail Live on Zoom.

Fridays – Spike’s Breezeway Cocktail Hour hosted by Matt “Spike” Marble of The Hula Girls. Pre-parties on Instagram Live, episodes on YouTube.

Jan. 12 – Dram of the Dead: The Bum on his new Zombie rum
Dram of the Dead: The Bum on his new Zombie rum



Ongoing – Mermaids and Aquamen Burlesque Shows at The Wreck Bar at the B Ocean Resort in Fort Lauderdale featuring Marina the Fire Eating Mermaid.

Monthly – HardCore Tiki MarketPlace at The Bamboo Club in Long Beach, Calif.

Monthly – Unsteady Freddie’s Surf-Rock Shindig at Otto’s Shrunken Head in New York City.

Jan. 7-9 – The Rhythm Collision Weekend #8 in Riverside, Calif.

Jan. 22 – The Original Tiki Market Place 10th Anniversary in Garden Grove, Calif.
The Original Tiki Market Place 10th Anniversary

Jan 28-30 – Inuhele: Atlanta’s Tiki Weekend.
* Past coverage

Feb. 11-12 – Miami Rum Congress in Miami Beach.
* Past coverage

Feb. 17-27 – Modernism Week in Palm Springs, Calif.
* 8 Must-See Events at 2022 Modernism Week in Palm Springs (Locale Lifestyle Magazine)
* Modernism Week adds new events to February schedule (The Palm Springs Post)
Modernism Week

Feb. 19-20 – Rockabillaque Florida at the Seminole Casino Hotel in Immokalee.

Feb. 25 – The Art of Tiki Cocktail Showdown at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival in Miami Beach.

March 12 – Aloha Fest 5 in the Netherlands.

March 12 – Taste of Rum festival in Puerto Rico.

March 12-13 – Arizona Aloha Festival at Tempe Beach Park.

March 12-13 – Aloha Polynesian Culture & Seafood Festival in Oakland Park, Fla.

April 2-4 – Rhum Fest Paris.

Continue reading “The Tiki Times: Preview the main events for 2022”

Arizona Tiki Oasis ushers in the return of live weekend conventions

Arizona Tiki Oasis ushers in the return of live weekend conventions

A proper modern Tiki weekender requires human interaction – from the tastes and smells of rum and craft cocktails, to the tactile hands-on experiences with artists and vendors, to the exciting dynamics of group participation in educational symposiums and enjoyment of unique entertainment. All of this came to a crashing halt – or was altered radically – one year ago by the coronavirus pandemic.

Arizona Tiki Oasis 2021

Virtual events continue to be enriching and enjoyable, and quite a few smaller gatherings have returned over the months as society slowly crawls ahead with safe, socially-distanced protocols. We’ve documented many of them on The Tiki Times, our constantly updated guide to online and real-life happenings.

One thing missing, however, was the glue that holds the scene together. The quintessential Tiki experience can happen only at multi-day weekend conventions that have become annual highlights for thousands of followers. They plan their annual calendars around them, sometimes traveling halfway around the world to attend. But most of the major events either scaled back drastically (Tiki Oasis), went totally virtual (The Hukilau), or were canceled altogether (Tiki Kon).
Past coverage: Recap of 2020 events

Now, with vaccinations becoming widespread in the United States and some light visible at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to get back to basics with a good old fashioned Tiki bash. And who better to kick off the return to “normal” than Baby Doe and Otto von Stroheim, the power couple responsible for inventing the format two decades ago amid the burgeoning Tiki revival in Southern California.

Baby Doe and Otto von Stroheim, founders and producers of Arizona Tiki Oasis. (Official photo)
Baby Doe and Otto von Stroheim, founders and producers of Arizona Tiki Oasis. (Official photo)

While their flagship Tiki Oasis won’t return until the summer, this spring provided the perfect platform to re-launch in-person events on a large scale with last weekend’s Arizona Tiki Oasis at Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale. By all accounts, the second edition of the full festival went off without a hitch April 22-25 and was a rousing success.

It was exciting to watch, even from afar via social media, as Tiki’s movers and shakers once again gathered in appreciation of not just the thriving subculture, but also in celebration of coming out of our cocoons for real social interaction. The pent-up demand for such an event was clear and immediate: Attendees filled every room in the resort.

Jump below: Arizona Tiki Oasis social media coverage
More Tiki weekenders in 2021-22

For the first time in more than a year, we saw author Sven Kirsten back behind the lectern for a sold-out seminar on Tiki culture (From Don to Steve to The Mai-Kai: The Enigma of the Tahitian Cannibal Carvings). Other seminar speakers included historian Mike Skinner, collector Jason T. Smith, and author CJ Cook.

The Arizona Tiki Oasis 2021 limited edition mug by Shag
The Arizona Tiki Oasis 2021 limited edition mug by Shag.

There were rum and spirits tastings with local tropical oasis Hula’s Modern Tiki, plus tours of Scottsdale’s mid-century architecture and culture. Mixologist Tiki Lindy provided pro tips for home enthusiasts. Ukulele lessons, pool parties and Saturday night’s Tiki Tiki Ho-Ho Luau were other highlights. Many events were held outdoors under Arizona’s flawless spring skies, allowing maximal fun with minimal risk. The website says guests could enjoy “a wide range of resort activities while sipping tropical cocktails, wearing your festive aloha wear and snazzy masks.” It also provided a full page of health and safety protocols.

Continue reading “Arizona Tiki Oasis ushers in the return of live weekend conventions”

The Tiki Times: Full 2019 events calendar now available!

The Tiki Times: Full 2019 events calendar

The Tiki Times

NEW: Announcing The Atomic Grog’s updated calendar for all the major events across the world of Tiki culture. This list includes rum events, plus modernism, surf music, Disney and other happenings of interest to the Tiki community. It will be continually updated throughout the year, so check The Tiki Times main page frequently:
2018 in review: Photos, video, recaps of all the top events NEW
Social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Updated Jan. 18, 2019

Jan. 12 – The Original Tiki Market Place 7th Anniversary in Garden Grove, Calif.
* Atomic Grog event preview
The Original Tiki Market Place 7th Anniversary print by Clee Sobieski

Jan. 17 – Tiki Bingo at The Mai-Kai in Fort Lauderdale.
* Atomic Grog event preview
Tiki Bingo at The Mai-Kai

Jan. 19 – The Mai-Kai Takeover in Fort Lauderdale.
The Mai-Kai Takeover Atomic Grog event preview: ‘Demerara Rum – The Mai-Kai’s Secret Weapon’ The Mai-Kai Takeover on Jan. 19

Jan. 25 – Book signing and spirited discussion with Jeff “Beachbum” Berry at Trader Vic’s in Emeryville, Calif.
Book signing and spirited discussion at Trader Vic's with Beachbum Berry

Jan 26 – Winter Surf Fest in Huntington Beach, Calif.

Feb. 8-9 – Miami Rum Congress in Miami Beach.
Miami Rum Congress
Takeover by Reàl Ingredients & The Hukilau at Miami Rum Congress

Feb. 14-24 – Modernism Week in Palm Springs, Calif.

Feb. 15-17 – Inuhele: Atlanta’s Tiki Weekend.
* Atomic Grog preview: Iron TikiTender goes on tour
Inuhele: Atlanta's Tiki Weekend

Feb. 22 – Taste of Aloha and Art of Tiki Cocktail Showdown at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival in Miami Beach.

Feb. 23-24 – Polynesian Cultural Festival in Oakland Park, Fla.
Polynesian Cultural Festival 2019

March 2 – Exotica Moderne #3 release party hosted by House of Tabu at The Devil’s Reef in Tacoma, Wash.
Exotica Moderne #3 release party

March 2 – Taste of Rum in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

March 3 – Adventureland Day at Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif.

March 9-10 – Arizona Aloha Festival at Tempe Beach Park.

March 10 – Adventureland Day at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, Orlando.

April 5-6 – Magical Tiki Meet Up at Walt Disney World, Orlando

April 12-14 – Arizona Tiki Oasis in Scottsdale.
Arizona Tiki Oasis

April 12-14 – Chicago Area Tiki Tour
Chicago Area Tiki Tour

April 13-14 – Rhum Fest Paris.

April 18-21 – Viva Las Vegas rockabilly weekend.
Viva Las Vegas

April 27 – Chicago Rum Festival.

May 16-19 – Tiki Caliente in Palm Springs, Calif.
Tiki Caliente

May 17-18 – Rum Renaissance Festival in Coral Gables, Fla. [Atomic Grog past coverage]
Rum Renaissance Festival

May 18 – Czech RumFest in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

May 23-26 – Nashville Boogie vintage weekender and car show.

May 25 – Club Rum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

May 27-30 – International Rum Conference and Madrid Rum Festival in Spain.

June 5-9 – The Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale. [Atomic Grog past coverage]
UPDATE: Hotel room parties are back, The Surfrajettes return to The Mai Kai
OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Tickets go on sale Feb. 1
The Hukilau 2019

June 7-8 – Rum Love Festival in Wroclaw, Poland.

June 8 – Manchester Rum Festival in the UK.

June 15 – New York Rum Festival in New York City.

June 27-30 – Ohana: Luau At The Lake at The Tiki Resort, Lake George, N.Y.
Ohana: Luau At The Lake

July 5-7 – Tiki Kon in Portland, Ore.

July 16-21 – Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans, La.

Aug. 7-11 – Tiki Oasis in San Diego, Calif.
Tiki Oasis 2019

Aug. 16-18 – Hi-Tide Summer Holiday: Asbury Park in New Jersey.
Hi-Tide Summer Holiday: Asbury Park

Aug. 31-Sept. 1 – German Rum Festival in Berlin.

Sept. 7 – California Rum Festival in San Francisco.

Sept. 20-21 – Southern Surf StompFest in Atlanta.

Oct. 19-20 – The UK RumFest in London.

Make our calendar better
Feel free to share events via email or Facebook message (special events only, no regular band gigs or general bar promotions).

More on The Atomic Grog
2018 in review:
Photos, video, recaps of all the top events
* Past news and events from 2015-2017
Special spotlights: Artists | Bands/music | Bars | Websites | Rum | Cocktails

The Year in Tiki 2018: Recap all the top events with photos and video

The Year in Tiki 2018

The Tiki Times

In 2018, The Atomic Grog consolidated previous news and events coverage into a comprehensive 12-month calendar that offers dates, links and previews of all the major Tiki and rum events, plus a touch of modernism, surf music, Disney and other happenings of interest to the Tiki community. Below, you can still find the official artwork and links to the official sites. Following the events, the calendar was updated to include images and videos culled from social media, along with some of our own photos and relevant press coverage. We’ve archived this full year of coverage for posterity.
Social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


Feb. 15-25 – Modernism Week in Palm Springs, Calif.

Feb. 23 – Taste of Aloha and Art of Tiki Cocktail Showdown at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival in Miami Beach.

Feb. 24 – Inuhele: Atlanta Tiki Homebar Tour. Atlanta Tiki Home Bar Tour

Feb. 24-25 – Polynesian Cultural Festival in Oakland Park, Fla.

March 4 – Adventureland Day at Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom in Disney World.

March 31 – Bamboo on The Bayou’s Bamboo Bash in Houston.

April 7 – Magical Tiki Meet Up at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World. Magical Tiki Meet Up

April 7-8 – Rhum Fest Paris.

April 14 – Chicago Rum Festival.

April 19-22 – Viva Las Vegas rockabilly weekend.

May 17-20 – Tiki Caliente in Palm Springs, Calif. Tiki Caliente

Continue reading “The Year in Tiki 2018: Recap all the top events with photos and video”

The Tiki Times – June 2017 Events Calendar: Summer season heats up with The Hukilau, Ohana: Luau At The Lake, Tiki Kon and more!

The Tiki Times

From the ashes of the Week in Tiki (and, later, the Month in Tiki) rises The Tiki Times. Still ambitious, but more practical, this monthly guide to what’s going on across the world of Tiki culture will hopefully be a definitive resource of where to find special events that touch on topics of interest to many Tikiphiles. You’ll find all the major Tiki festivals, plus smaller gatherings along with events that scratch our itch for rum and cocktails, surf and rockabilly music, mid-century modern design, even Disney. And don’t forget authentic Polynesian culture, the well from which Tiki springs. The biggest will get extended coverage as “spotlight events.”
Social media: Follow our Facebook page for daily news updates
Pinterest | Coming soon: Twitter and Instagram

Spotlight events: The Hukilau (June 7-11) | Surfer Joe Summer Festival (June 22-25) | Ohana: Luau At The Lake (June 23-26) | Tiki Kon (June 30-July 2)
Ongoing events | Upcoming events

June 3 – Rum: Past, Present, Future at Trader Vic’s in Atlanta. A new seminar by Paul Senft of the blog.

June 6 – James Beard Foundation Greens Chicago Tiki Party at Three Dots and a Dash in Chicago. An inaugural event featuring a mixology demo by beverage director Julian Cox, rum cocktails, Polynesian appetizers and more.

********************* SPOTLIGHT EVENT *********************

June 7-11 – The Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale is the east coast’s largest and longest-running Tiki weekender. The 16th annual bash returns to the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 for the third year and the historic Mai-Kai restaurant for the 15th straight year. As usual, there will be a schedule packed with symposiums, live music, rum tastings, special events and parties, a huge vendor marketplace, plus more.

The Hukilau

The Hukilau highlights

* Tikiphiles take over The Mai-Kai. From Wednesday night’s pre-party to Sunday’s finale, there are plenty of opportunities for The Hukilau’s “villagers” to enjoy the 60-year-old Tiki palace that was recently added to the National Register of Historic Places. The biggest gathering is Saturday night’s main event, which includes two performances of The Mai-Kai’s Polynesian Islander Revue, the longest-running authentic South Seas stage show in the United States, including Hawaii.

MORE HUKILAU LIVE COVERAGE: Recap, news, photos and video

* Symposiums, merchandise put spotlight on The Mai-Kai. The Hukilau’s villagers can satisfy their never-ending thirst for all things Mai-Kai with three special symposiums: The Mai-Kai’s Untold Stories with Tim “Swanky” Glazner will be held Friday at Pier 66. The author of Mai-Kai: History and Mystery of the Iconic Tiki Restaurant will lead a panel discussion with current and former employees of The Mai-Kai, presenting the real history from the people who lived it. Saturday at Pier 66, Nautical Tiki with Mike Skinner will include the Tiki researcher’s deep dive into Polynesian Pop’s connection to adventures on the high seas, plus new details on how the legendary HMS Bounty is linked to The Molokai lounge at The Mai-Kai.. Then, on Sunday at The Mai-Kai, The Atomic Grog’s Hurricane Hayward will present “The Menus of The Mai-Kai: 60 Years of Tiki Cocktail History,” an interactive slideshow that will explore dozens of vintage menus and trace the chronology of the legendary cocktails. Rare “lost cocktails” from the early menus will be served during the all-day event that also includes live music. Artist Tiki Tony is also putting a Mai-Kai spin on the event merchandise, from the event mug (produced by John Mulder of Eekum Bookum) based on the shrunken heads in the Samoa dining room (see above) to a pendant based on the restaurant’s distinctive lamps.

MORE HUKILAU LIVE COVERAGE: Recap, news, photos and video

* The host hotel, the iconic Pier 66, is the perfect setting. Another 60-year-old venue, this state-of-the-art hotel includes a signature mid-century modern 17-story tower added in the mid-’60s with a rotating penthouse lounge used for special events. There’s a large ballroom for the vendors, a separate ballroom for symposiums and the Friday night main event, plus lush grounds and multiple pools. It also has a prime location just east of the Intracoastal Waterway, adjacent to Port Everglades and not far from Fort Lauderdale’s famous beach.

* A three-peat of the Tiki Tower Takeover. Hosted by one of the spirits world’s most high-profile spokesmen, Ian “Rum Ambassador” Burrell, this one-of-a-kind cocktail party held in the Pier Top Ballroom at Pier 66 is not to be missed. Bartenders from high-profile bars from around the world will serve signature cocktails while guests enjoy hors d’oeuvres, musical entertainment and a one-of-a-kind experience in the iconic 17th-floor revolving lounge. Participating bars are Dirty Dick (France), Nu Lounge Bar (Italy), Three Dots and a Dash (Chicago), and Slowly Shirley (New York City).
* Atomic Grog preview

MORE HUKILAU LIVE COVERAGE: Recap, news, photos and video

* More Tiki bars from across the country will be popping up all over The Hukilau at two special events on Friday: The daytime Rum Island Pool Party and evening High Tide Party. Villagers can enjoy expertly crafted cocktails from Flask & Cannon (Jacksonville), Hidden Harbor (Pittsburgh), Pagan Idol (San Francisco), the Sip ‘n Dip Tiki Lounge (Great Falls, Mont.), S.O.S. Tiki Bar (Atlanta), and UnderTow (Phoenix).

Continue reading “The Tiki Times – June 2017 Events Calendar: Summer season heats up with The Hukilau, Ohana: Luau At The Lake, Tiki Kon and more!”

Week in Tiki (April 16-30, 2016): New Beachbum Berry glassware, ‘Sippin’ Safari’ 10-year anniversary edition; plus event and Tiki bar news, more!

The Week in Tiki Topping the news is the upcoming 10-year anniversary special edition of Beachbum Berry’s Sippin’ Safari, plus new glassware just released. Upcoming event news includes Tiki by the Sea, Ohana: Luau At The Lake, Tiki Kon, Southern Surf Stomp, and the Surf Guitar 101 Convention. April’s highlights include Miami Rum Festival, The Atomic Grog’s fifth anniversary party at The Mai-Kai, the Bacardi cocktail competition, and many other events across the country. We have Tiki bar news from Chicago’s Lost Lake, San Francisco’s Smuggler’s Cove, plus a new “urban Tiki” concept in Brooklyn. Regular features spotlight San Diego artist Clee Sobieski; mysterious exotica pioneer Korla Pandit; and the influential Chicago location in the defunct Don the Beachcomber restaurant chain. The website of the week is home of the upcoming book Mai-Kai: History & Mystery of the Iconic Tiki Restaurant. Our rum of the week, Ron Diplomático Reserva, is featured in La Guildive by Martin Cate, a cocktail from his new book Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum and the Cult of Tiki.
* Keep up with The Week in Tiki: Facebook page | RSS feed | See past weeks | Archive
* Weekly features below: Artist | Band/music | Bar | Website | Rum | Cocktail | Events

Classic Beachbum Berry book to be re-imagined, new glassware available

Beachbum Berry’s Sippin’ Safari, the underrated classic 2007 cocktail book that helped set the stage for today’s robust revival of Tiki bars across the country, will be re-released in the fall as a 10-year anniversary special edition, the author confirmed. Former screenwriter Jeff “Beachbum” Berry’s fourth book was his first full-color, story-driven guide to the history of tropical mixology.

Beachbum Berry's Sippin' Safari

It includes not only dozens of vintage tropical drink recipes, but also the fascinating stories and exclusive photos of some of the genre’s most talented yet under-appreciated barmen from the early and mid-20th century. Berry, the owner of the acclaimed Latitude 29 restaurant and Tiki bar in New Orleans, gave us a sneak peek of what we can expect:

“This edition will feature a new afterward taking readers through the 10 years after Sippin’ first appeared: The explosive Tiki cocktail revolution that no one saw coming in 2007, which was aided and abetted by the craft cocktail renaissance that grew on parallel tracks, ending with the opening of amazing new Tiki cocktail bars.” The book will be published by Cocktail Kingdom, which released Berry’s award-winning Potions of the Caribbean: 500 Years of Tropical Drinks and the People Behind Them in late 2013.

“It also features a new preface talking about what led up to the writing of Sippin’, covering the years 1964 to 2006,” Berry said via e-mail. “I’ve also added footnotes to the main text, and a bunch of additional recipes, both old and unpublished, and new ones from the Tiki revival.” It’s a revival that Berry had a large hand in spurring, from his early books (Grog Log, Intoxica) to his symposiums at Tiki and cocktail events across the world.

Beachbum Berry's Sippin' Safari

Potions of the Caribbean, which won the Spirited Award for Best New Cocktail/Bartending Book at Tales of the Cocktail in 2014, was originally intended to be the final chapter in Sippin’ Safari, detailing Tiki’s links back to the Caribbean. Berry used that idea as a jumping off point for a full-blown history book as told through cocktails, following the template established in the groundbreaking Sippin’ Safari.

The book tells the story of the men who toiled behind the scenes for Don the Beachcomber, Steve Crane and other giants of the early days of Tiki. It reveals the intriguing back stories of such mixologists as Ray Buhen (Tiki-Ti), Bob Esmino (Kon-Tiki) and Mariano Licudine (The Mai-Kai). The final chapter includes a revealing peek behind the scenes at at The Mai-Kai, exploring the grand vision of original owners Bob and Jack Thornton and detailing the early years via stories from Licudine’s son, Ron. Sippin’ Safari is definitely a must-have in any Tiki cocktail book collection.

Following the June 7 release of Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum and the Cult of Tiki by Martin Cate (see cocktail of the week below), Sippin’ Safari is poised to make this a banner year for epic tropical drink books by the godfathers of the movement.
* More on The Atomic Grog: Beachbum Berry interview
Potions of the Caribbean released | Website of the week

Beachbum Berry Coconut Mug

Meanwhile, some cool new glassware was added to the Beachbum Berry barware collection on the Cocktail Kingdom website. In late 2015, the premium barware company released its first custom mug for Beachbum Berry’s Latitude 29 in New Orleans: A 15-ounce coconut mug featuring the Latitude 29 logo that serves as a vessel for the bar’s Painkiller cocktail. It later was released online, along with a similar coconut mug featuring the Beachbum Berry logo. All of the coconut mugs, which harken back to classic vessels popularized by Trader Vic’s, are just $12.95 each, with steep discounts for bulk orders. Unlike the traditional Trader Vic’s coconut, the Cocktail Kingdom mugs developed in collaboration with Berry include a special hole for a straw.

Beachbum Berry Zombie Glasses

More recently, Berry and Cocktail Kingdom scared up some new cocktailware that we’re dying to get our hands on: Beachbum Berry Zombie Glasses. These vintage-style 15-ounce glasses were uniquely designed for Don the Beachcomber’s original 1934 Zombie cocktail and the 1950 mid-century version, both unearthed after years of painstaking research by Berry. The 1934 recipe, especially, was considered one of the most significant classic recipe revelations of the modern Tiki era. First published in Sippin’ Safari., it shows off Donn Beach’s magic in creating one of the most popular and distinctive drinks in the early days of tropical mixology. The glasses come in a two-pack: One with the 1950 recipe, the other with the 1934 recipe. They’re $18.95 for the set, with discounts for larger orders.

You can also find both the mug and glasses at the restaurant just off of the French Quarter in the Bienville House Hotel, 321 N. Peters St.
* Click here to order Beachbum Berry barware

Don’t miss: Beachbum Berry is returning to The Hukilau for the 11th straight year on June 8-12 in Fort Lauderdale. He’ll be mixing up cocktails (along with Latitude 29’s head bartender, Brad Smith) in the sold-out Tiki Tower Takeover along with many other top bar staffs (from Smuggler’s Cove, Tiki Mondays With Miller, Lost Lake and Fort Defiance). Berry’s “World War Tiki” symposium is also sold out, but you can get tickets for the “Raiders of the Lost Tiki Culture” panel discussion featuring the author and many other influential pioneers of the modern Tiki scene. He’ll also be signings copies of his books in the Cocktail Kingdom booth in the Tiki Treasures Bazaar, where you’ll also be able to pick up his books and merchadise.
* Buy tickets, passes | Schedule | Merchandise
* On The Atomic Grog: High Tide party, rum sponsor rundown, merchandise preview

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